1. EMPTY YOUR CLOSET- This is the first thing you need to
do, clean-you’re your closet completely so you can check your clothes if its
need to keep or to take out from your closet. Check
if its still in good condition.
2.DECLUTTERING YOUR CLOSET STUFF – in this way you can evaluate your clothes. Check your things one by one and remove the unnecessary for you to have more space in your closet.
3.CATEGORIZE YOUR CLOTHES - categorizing your clothes
after decluttering is the next thing you need to do. Sort it or if it is
clothes for going out, uniform or your working clothes, meeting, seasonal, party,
4.ORGANIZING YOUR CLOTHES. It is neat and clean if your clothes are organized by color. Hangers are one of the important tools when it comes to closet organization. Those you use regularly like your office uniform specially it if it is bespoke clothes. If possible, you can hang it with pair like pants so it’s easy for you to look when you need it. It is better if you hang your clothes by color. Just a suggestion ð. But for denim and sweaters, you can just stack it. Roll your clothes that you use at home like pajamas, t-shirt, and workout clothes. Whereas those you use seasonal clothes you can put it in a storage box, put a label and keep it.